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Ages 18-23 | 24-26 | 27-29 | 30-32 | 33-35 | 36-38 | 39-41 | 42-44 | 45-47 | 48-50 | 51+
Hi! My name is Marleana but everyone calls me Katie. I am from Nashville, TN and definitely a country girl. I can dress up or get dirty! I am a smart, funny, honest, loyal, strong, sexy, confident BBW that is definitely a diamond in the rough. I’m motivated and eager to please. I can’t wait to meet new friends and look forward to getting out and starting over. I am open and honest, and I want to meet new people. 
I have had to overcome many obstacles in my life that has made me the strong woman I am.

Marleana Reed #510715
T.P.F.W. Annex 
3881 Stewarts Lane 
Nashville, Tennessee 37218

Race: White
Date of Birth: 8/19/1980
Height: 5'5"
Religion: Christian
Education: Some college
Earliest Release Date: 2021
Maximum Release Date: 2027
Can you receive email? No
If yes which service?
Can you respond to email?
Occupation before prison: Bartender
Activities in prison: Work release
Anything else?